Make smart, creative decisions quick enough to stay pace with the always now, instant feedback, data streaming, whitewater of a world we live in without feeling groggy every morning and needing cup after cup of caffeine to kickstart your brain.

How? By improving your sleep. Using the latest science of behavior design along with data-informed coaching you can make sustainable changes to your sleep habits and routines.

Sleep is a superpower, the best performance enhancing drug available, and a keystone habit that improves every part of your life. It helps . . .

  • Increase your focus, creativity, learning and memory

  • Reduce anxiety and depression

  • Improve cognitive skills and make what can feel like effortless decision-making

  • Improve emotional capacity and empathy and enthusiastically engage with your colleagues

  • Increase metabolism

  • Increase libido

I’ve written and spoken extensively about sleep and aligning our circadian rhythms over the past several years. I’ve also spoken with many experts on the subject and worked with top doctors and certified sleep science coaches to develop the best practices and routines for the sleep challenges most entrepreneurs, creatives, and knowledge workers face every day. 

I’m going to test a program to help you improve your sleep without sleeping pills, alcohol, or any of the other methods you’ve unsuccessfully tried in the past.  Over three months, I will use my expertise in behavior design along with the latest sleep technology and expert advice to improve your sleep so you can have more energy throughout the entire day, improved focus on projects, faster, effortless decision-making and more calm, intentional interactions with colleagues & loved ones.

Introducing the Champions of Sleep Program

The program will begin with live sessions to learn the latest science-based behavior design strategies for building a successful sleep routine from the time you wake up, throughout the day, and into your sleep cycle. I’ve worked with the Institute for Wellness Education to adapt the most successful, science-based behavior design models into a single model that takes into account all the factors needed to make your sleep habits and routines actually stick.

Data-informed decisions and coaching are essential for tracking progress and delivering successful outcomes. A certified sleep science coach and I will track your progress and deliver personalized feedback for what is and isn’t working using your health tracker of choice. A wearable is fantastic, and your phone will work just fine too. Our app will track them all.

The program will also include an option for two sleep and stress tests, one to begin the program and one at the end. Each test will measure the critical hormones for healthy sleep and be accompanied by a 1:1 consultation with a functional medicine doctor. 

Finally, you'll be part of a tight-knit community to share experiences, get feedback on building your routines, and make new friends.

Plus, there will be some bonuses and discounts from some great companies helping improve habits, sleep, and overall performance & wellbeing.

This experiment will start with a small cohort of 25 people. Sound useful? Complete this short survey to request access and get updates on the program launching this spring.