What Sleep-Deprived People do Differently

Have you ever caught yourself watching that next Netflix show? And then another? And then telling yourself just one more as the night gets really late.

Or was it YouTube? It's only a 10 min video. Just one more... ooh this next one looks good now too! It's for learning, you tell yourself.

Doomscrolling news feeds.

Binge eating.

Impulse control is out of control.

A sleep deprived person looks like they have ADHD.

I want to introduce you to someone who can help you with this. His name is Dr. Alex Dimitriu, and he says being a sleep-deprived person leads to poor decision making, reduced impulse control and increased anxiety. And a lack of sleep perpetuates even more lack of sleep.

As a consultation psychiatrist at Menlo Park Psychiatry & Sleep Medicine, Dr. Dimitriu specializes in the complex interplay between the mind and body. In his work, Dr. Dimitriu helps his patients optimize peak performance by day and peak restorative sleep by night.

He has been nationally recognized by The New York Times, Men’s Health, Cosmopolitan, Psychology Today, NBC News among other media.

In the latest episode of Be Your Own Best Coach Conversations podcast, we talk about sleep as a vital sign for the mind and how sleep affects your mood, energy, memory, impulse control, anxiety, diet and sex life.

Dr. Dimitriu often shares this quote from Alan Watts . . .

“Muddy water is best cleared by leaving it alone.”

Listen to my conversation with Dr. Dimitriu below.

If you’re struggling with this and you haven’t yet downloaded my resource guide, Tiny Habits for Better Sleep, make sure you grab that here.