Tiny Habits® for Sleep and Recovery During the Pandemic

With increased stress and anxiety along with an unmooring of our normal routines, sleep is even more essential to our health and wellbeing. However, it’s these changing conditions that are negatively impacting our ability to get a good night of sleep and recovery.

During a recent talk I gave on TinyHabits.com (video below), I unpacked the habits you need to optimize for a rejuvenating night of sleep. In the accompanying Resource Guide you can download here, I included my slides from the talk as well as:

  • The 8 Core Components of Sleep Hygiene

  • How to Design a Sleep Ritual along with example Tiny Habit recipes

  • Details on how to Learn Your Chronotype so you can design your personalized sleep schedule

  • Huge list of resources to help you get a better night of sleep

Download the Resource Guide: Tiny Habits for Better Sleep and subscribe to my newsletter.

Additional Resources: